
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Accesories or Searching for Individuality

Basic Tee & Jeans for a Boho Look

The accessories market always performs well during down turned economies mostly due to many consumers opting to buy accessories instead of more expensive items of clothing to change/update their wardrobe. 

From 2007 to 2012, apparel sales in American malls had a compounded annual growth rate of 0.8%, compared to a 5% growth rate during the same period for accessories and beauty products; apparel lost two points of its share of mall sales (down to 58%) while accessories gained five percentage points (up to 32%). [THE FASHION SPOT:  ACCESSED ON: 02-14-14]“ .   Accessories purchases are often done on impulse or as add-on purchases. Therefore, there are other factors to consider.  The raise on accessories is not solely derived by economical factors.

We all know fashion is a way to show our individual personalities; in a society where everybody wants to be up to the trend but be distinctive at the same time, accessories can provide a huge difference from the mainstream.

We are bombarded with brands and new in-store-items every two weeks; flashing a luxury label is not enough to stand out with counterfeits that are so similar to the originals to a point that it is impossible to recognize a real from a fake; a big label is not enough to differentiate from of the masses.

But here is where the “charm” of accessories reside: a little jade bracelet bought during the last trip to China, silver rings from Morocco, a good leather bag from Italy, a handcrafted embroidered Mexican clutch… these accessories and the way we play pairing them with mass produced clothing are not only reflecting our fashion sense, but also our stories, they can be conversation starters, they can set us apart from the rest. 

Brands should think of providing their guests with a diverse assortment of accessories that can adapt to different personalities when developing range plans, this can make a big difference selling those white basic tees and basic skinny jeans; people can find a myriad of possibilities using those core basic items as a white canvas where each individual can portrait his/her own story without actually traveling to exotic destinations to acquire them.   This is applicable to all market levels as well as to all categories. Brands should not undervalue the importance of these little items to drive sales to the big items.

Roger ARTiga

Basic Tee & Jeans for a Dressed Up Look